How many liters should my bikepacking bags be? A comprehensive guide for beginners

If you’re a beginner in the fascinating world of bikepacking, you’ve probably asked yourself this question multiple times, trying to figure out the ideal capacity for your bags. The truth is that there’s no single, definitive answer, but the choice depends on a series of interconnected factors that significantly influence your travel experience. In this in-depth guide, we’ll explore together all the elements to consider in order to make the best choice for your two-wheeled adventures!

The type of trip: the key factor in choosing bags

The capacity of the bags you need primarily depends on the type of adventure you’re planning. Each trip has its peculiarities and requires a different approach to equipment. Here are some examples to help you navigate:

  • For a road experience like The Grand Escape, a compact set of about 7 liters positioned under the saddle might be more than sufficient. This type of setup allows you to move with agility and lightness, ideal for quick routes and short-duration adventures. Add a frame bag for the tools and you’re good to go!
  • If you’re planning a longer and more relaxed adventure, like a tour in Tuscany, and you want to bring a more spacious tent for greater nighttime comfort, you might need a bit more space. In this case, you could consider adding front bags or using a larger capacity set under the saddle, perhaps around 10-15 liters.
  • For long-duration challenges like the Northcape, where the kilometers to cover are really many and conditions can be unpredictable, it’s crucial to find the right balance between being prepared and maintaining lightness. In this case, you might opt for an even more compact but versatile set, perhaps combining several smaller bags to better distribute the weight and have quick access to essential equipment.

Other crucial factors to consider when choosing bags

Besides the type of trip, there are several other elements that play a fundamental role in choosing the ideal bags for your bikepacking. Carefully considering these factors will help you make a more informed choice that suits your specific needs:

  • Climate and weather conditions: If you’re traveling in warm and sunny areas, clothes will generally take up less space, allowing you to use smaller and lighter bags. On the contrary, if you venture into regions with variable or cold climates, you might need more space for technical clothing and thermal gear. Also consider the possibility of rain and the need to bring waterproof clothing with you.
  • Trip duration: The more days you’ll be traveling, the more equipment you might need to bring with you. This includes not only spare clothes, but also food supplies, bike maintenance equipment, and potentially electronic devices with their chargers. Carefully plan what you’ll need day by day and try to optimize space.
  • Desired comfort level: Some cyclists prefer to bring a few extra comforts to make the experience more enjoyable, such as an inflatable pillow or a small stove to prepare hot meals. Others, instead, prefer to travel ultra-light, giving up certain comforts in favor of greater agility. Reflect on what’s truly important to you and find the right balance between comfort and practicality.

The secret to successful bikepacking? Less is more!

The golden rule of bikepacking, which every expert will confirm, is this: you need less than you think! Many beginners, driven by enthusiasm and the desire to be prepared for every eventuality, tend to bring too much equipment. This not only weighs down the bike, making the journey more tiring, but can also diminish the pleasure of the adventure. With experience, you’ll learn to optimize your equipment, bringing only what is truly essential and versatile.

If you still have doubts about what’s really necessary, I suggest you take a look at the photos of bike setups used during events like The Grand Escape and adventures in Tuscany. These images will not only provide you with practical inspiration, but will also help you visualize concretely how even with essential equipment you can go far and live unforgettable experiences. You’ll see how experienced cyclists manage to efficiently organize their limited space, making the most of every available centimeter.

Always remember that the main goal of bikepacking is not to have the most expensive, bulky, or cutting-edge equipment, but to fully enjoy the adventure with what you really need. The freedom you feel pedaling with the essentials is unparalleled. Start with what you have, learn from your travels, and gradually refine your equipment. Experience will be your best teacher. Over time, you’ll find the perfect balance between comfort and lightness, suited to your personal travel style. Happy travels and may the road always be with you!